Sunday, September 14, 2014

Small Update

So I really don't have much new information to share about our journey to adopt! We still haven't heard from our caseworker yet! We did find out that she is finally back from vacation tomorrow though, so I will hopefully be hearing from her early this next week.

But on another note, my brother-in-law's cousin "B" is going through the adoption process with CFC! She even has our same case worker! She and I have been emailing and she has been able to give me information that I have been looking for. It was all God's grace to be able to email someone with some of my questions. It really is helping me to wait well as we wait to hear from CFC. Her story is just awesome. She started the process with CFC in February and has already been chosen by a family. Her baby will be born in October! It made me realize that maybe this process won't take as long as I thought it would. It doesn't mean that it won't, but it is all in God's hands! We will wait as long as God calls us to wait. 

Anyways, it was a MAJOR encouragement to receive the email from "B" and to have so much of the process explained. I find that I have days where I am mentally overwhelmed with the idea of adoption because I don't know what it will look like for our family. I told Matt this past week that we just have to wait. We can't worry about the details. They will all unfold in time. In the meantime, we wait, trusting that this is exactly where God wants us today. We may have more answers tomorrow, in a few days, next week… and we may not. :) 

Oh, and another random thought for today…. there are so many. :) 

I listened to another sermon called "The Gift of Children" by Voddie Bauchum. (Thank you, Kristin, for sending it to me). I cried, and even sobbed, at various points of this sermon. It was challenging, and yet so encouraging at the same time. Many many many of the points that Voddie made in the sermon have been key points that the Holy Spirit has been convicting and challenging me on the last few months already. It is always encouraging to hear a sermon reiterate the very same things that you have been convicted about and are already trying to change. I have been blessed by the Lord to have Jace already. The number of children I am blessed with isn't an indicator of how much I am loved by God, and it isn't something that I can earn. I have really been convicted about rejoicing with those who rejoice when they are pregnant the last month. I've found out about 2 other people being pregnant the last 2 weeks, and I didn't cry! :) I am always happy for those who are blessed with a baby, but in a sense, I become discouraged about my lack of blessing in that area when I see so many others getting pregnant while I continue to try. It's my sin that causes me to be envious. Since trying, I have estimated about 20 friends who have gotten pregnant during this time. But as I really focus on rejoicing with those who rejoice, and reminding myself of ALL that God has done for me, my discontentment is shattered and I can have peace that this is where God wants me, and His plan is good. His plan for my family is perfectly planned out. I can just sit back and see what each month brings. 

Anyways, I'll post if I get more updates! :) 


  1. Praise God you have someone to ask questions about it all and to have a connection with during this process! Gosh, He is so much better to us than we deserve!
    And praise God for perfect timing in the encouragement through His word as well! Love how He does that for His children!
    So glad you are able to rejoice with others in their time of joy! When we cultivate gratitude rather than envy toward others...our relationships are stronger and sweeter because of it!
    Thanks for sharing! Love hearing how God is teaching you and how you are learning!

  2. I agree with Ally! So wonderful that you have someone that is in the process of going through what you will be going through to answer some of your questions and give you a little more of an idea of what to expect!!

    And God has been growing me as well in rejoicing with others when they are pregnant! But a baby is a blessing!! Even if it isn't directly given to Dustin and I! Glad you benefited from that sermon. I am going to try and get it on our iPod so Dustin and I can listen to it this next week on our way to Mexico! You are constantly in my thoughts and prayers!

    1. Matt and I listened to that sermon on our way to California last week. He loved it!
