Monday, December 8, 2014


Thanksgiving was a very busy day, but lots of fun! We started the day off at the church football game that they do every year at 8:00 that morning. Jace had a blast just running around. He didn't stop the entire time we were there!

We then went to my parents house for a bit and we got to see the Evans family! It was such a nice time to see them for a bit! :) 

We then went to the Pagel house for Thanksgiving dinner! We took the opportunity to grab a couple family pics while we were there! :) 

 Cuddles with baby Dakota! 
 Cousins! <3


  1. That's great it was a packed filled day!! Love that little guy in the beanie! :) Glad all you girls could be together and catch up and see how big each others kids are getting!!! Love the pictures! And great family pictures too!! Turned out so nice! And those sweet newborn snuggles and smells!! So wonderful!! Looks like a great day!

  2. I am so so so glad we got to see you!!! And the rest of your Thanksgiving looks like so much fun too! I love the family pictures! :) Can't wait to see you in February!
