Monday, December 29, 2014

It's a… BOY!

We surprised our families by finding out the gender of baby Pagel on the 23rd! Our families didn't know (except Jenn, who helped me get the ultrasound for free!) so we thought it would be fun to surprise them. I'm so glad we did.

Matt and I went to the appointment and as soon as the tech placed the wand by baby's legs it was very obvious that we are expecting our second boy!!! I fell in love instantly. She said he looks healthy, which is a praise! He is measuring a couple days ahead, and has an above average sized head already… just like his big brother did. Oh boy… hoping that it isn't as big otherwise my hopes for a VBAC may be getting smaller already…

Baby Boy has a name for now, but we are keeping it a secret this time. Gives us the freedom to change it any point! I've already almost slipped up a couple times and it's been less than a week.

Here are some pics of baby boy (16 weeks+3 days):

Here are some pics we took with some blue balloons!

When I ask Jace where the baby is, he always lifts up my shirt to look at my belly. 


  1. IT'S A BOY! YAY!! You guys make such handsome little boys!! Can't wait for him to get here!!! I am so glad this little one was so helpful in revealing his gender!! Boys are so much easier to tell too!! :) Praying his head doesn't get to big so you can have your desired VBAC! Jace is too cute!! What a sweet big brother he will be...and great play mate! I can't wait for that belly of your to grow - it's so tiny right now!! So excited for your family and what a blessed little boy he will be!

  2. Oh Steph, he looks absolutely perfect!! Such a fun Christmas surprise! And another boy will be so perfect for Jace and with his two boy cousins! They will have so much fun growing up together!!
