Monday, June 30, 2014

He is a Pagel

So I was at Barb and Denny's house this past weekend and we were looking through photo albums. I have never seen pictures of Matt as a baby. Um, I was floored. There were so many pictures where I saw a mini-Jace in Matt. And then we got to some pics of Mick…. and I was even more floored. He looks more like Mick than he does Matt--even Barb and Matt thought so! So for anyone who thinks my son looks like me, take a look at these pics! You'll change your mind! He is a Pagel through and through. (Although he has my hair!)

The ones on the Left are Matt:

 The ones on the Left are Mick:


  1. That is so fun! You matched pictures of Jace up with them perfectly too! The first one of Matt- that face is a one Jace does all the time! Too funny!
    So right about Mick though! Crazy! Thanks for sharing!

  2. WOW!! You are so right! It is fun to look at pictures from when you and your spouse are around your kid's age - it is so much easier to see who they look like! So fun!
