Saturday, August 16, 2014

And so it begins...

Well, today it begins! We have filled out our application for adoption and are sending it in to Christian Family Care! After some mediocre results with some fertility testing, we are so ready to pursue adoption! I am very thankful that God has really softened my heart (as well as Matt's) to the point where we are STOKED to pursue this journey. "Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established," Proverbs 16:3. We are excited to see how God will work in this process. I will post updates as they come, but I expect the timeframe from beginning to end to take a while. :)


  1. Oh so wonderful! :) any child would be blessed to be apart of your family! Immediate and extended! Such a love for Christ is evident! To the praise of His glorious graces!

  2. EXCITING!!!!! I am so happy for this step of faith in your lives! And I hope that God opens doors for you guys so that things go quickly and another baby is blessed to be apart of your family experiencing the love God designed a family to have! WOO HOO! We will be praying!

  3. Also, you look EXCEPTIONALLY BEAUTIFUL in these pictures! I can just see the joy in your face! And the picture of you three is one of the best I have seen! Jace looks adorable in it!

  4. I agree with Kristin! There is a whole another layer of beauty to your face! Radiating joy!!

  5. Thanks so much! You guys are sweet! :) We are so excited to start the adoption process. We are still praying that God blesses us with another baby naturally as well, but we are really excited to pursue adoption simultaneously!

  6. I am so excited for this Steph!!! :) I can't wait to see this process unfold and to have a new niece or nephew! <3
