Wednesday, July 9, 2014

4th of July!

Wow… for once I will be posting pictures within a week of them actually happening! :)

For the 4th of July, we went to the Ross's house to celebrate the 4th AND Matt's birthday! We had some friends there as well. I didn't get many pics, but I did take a few.

We went to Sonic for some Limeaids and used this time to grab a pic of the two of us. 

I bought some glow sticks from Target's $1 bin! (I love that section!) Jace was interested in them off and on. We went into the pantry to see them glow.

My family! <3

Mick brought some fireworks so he set those off when it got dark. Jace surprisingly really liked watching them. We think he was somewhat scared because he literally peed 7 times (he shakes when he finishes peeing, so it's pretty obvious). But he would do the sign for more and just stared at them! 

Celebrating with friends!

 This was a pic from last year's 4th of July and this years. Matt wore the exact same thing last year. haha. It's fun to see the changes! Jace actually has hair this year! Win!


  1. Such good pictures!! That is hilarious that Jace peed that many times but kept wanting more :) Looks and sounds like a FUN time! And goal for next 4th of July.... get Matt another red or blue shirt ;) haha!

  2. Good call on the Sonic! Yum! Those are some huge glow sticks! Fun! Cracks me up that he shakes after he pee's! But glad he liked them too! Fantastic family picture! Jace has grown so much! At least Matt's hat is flip a different way this year! I agree with Kristin, nice challenge!
