Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Faithful God

I'm not sure if any of you have a song that you listen to that just speaks truth about God's character when you are just down or discouraged. Well I have one. "Faithful God" by Shai Linne. It is one of those songs that just has me shaking my head in total agreement with the words he speaks/sings. 

Faithful God (Hopefully the link works--it has the lyrics too so you can follow along)

My favorite part of the song is

 "From the things You say, You don’t budge
You’re faithful to save and You’re faithful to judge
The God who is just is not one of us
The faithful God is the God we can trust
We can’t trust us, on You we rely
Everything we need, Lord, You will supply
Even when we’re faithless, You remain faithful
You cannot deny Yourself" 

This song seriously just slaps me across the face and gets me out of the slump I'm in. Today is one of those days, but as I sit here listening to this song I'm reminded about God's character. He is faithful. His ways aren't my ways. I can be so faithless, especially during trials. But I'm thankful for trials because it's during those times that I am being refined. One of the verses hanging on my fridge is Psalm 66:10-12. "For you, O God, have tested us; you have tried us as silver is tried. You brought us into the net; you laid a crushing burden on our backs; you let men ride over our heads; we went through water; yet you have brought us out to a place of abundance." Trials are temporary. As it also says later in Psalms, He remembers our frame and remembers that we are but dust. Praise God for momentary trials. And even if they last a lifetime, they truly are only momentary in the grand scheme of eternity. 

Anyways, those are my random thoughts for today. The last 6 months have been so good for my heart--difficult to swallow, but good in the aspect that God is faithful to reveal sin in my life and through this trial, He has been sanctifying me greatly. 

With all this said, I really need to post some pictures from Easter. Jace was all about looking for eggs, which I wasn't sure if he would even care. I'll get them off my phone this week and post again. 


  1. Thank you for sharing your heart! God is at work and it is beautiful. Through the current trials He is making Himself all the more beautiful to you! That is a comfort. We have a never changing, promise keeping, love abounding God that we serve! Praise God we are chosen, forgiven and redeemed! I can't imagine going through trials without a sovereign God to cling to every day!
    Never heard that song, but Ryken and I listened to it and he was be bopping along! haha! :)

  2. Absolutely. I wonder how non-believers get through trials. Crazy. :)

  3. Beautiful lyrics! And something about music combined with good lyrics can really cut you to the heart and speak to you! Trials are such a funny thing.... you don't want to go through them but then once you do - you are always glad to did because of the change in your attitude and faith! God surely knows what He is doing and I am thankful He is in charge and not me! Thanks for sharing!
