Thursday, April 24, 2014


For Easter this year, we went to church and then to the Pagel's house for brunch! Jace was able to nap there, which was great. They bought a big floaty tube for the pool this summer, and we were able to sit in it and put our legs in the water without getting all the way wet. It was a lot of fun. We then went to my family's house to spend the afternoon and evening there. It was a packed day, but a lot of fun. Jace did very well for being on the go all day. At my parent's house, we had an egg hunt for the boys. Surprisingly, Jace was all about it! He would pick up the eggs and put them in his basket. He loved banging them together and then throwing them. He would take them all out of his basket and put them back in. It was really cute to watch! 


  1. What a beautiful family!! Sounds like a wonderful time with all your family! I love the little face Jace has when he has found the egg on the bricks! haha! And is he wearing baby crocs? Adorable!

  2. YEAH FOR EASTER! Good excuse to get a family picture! I also love the picture of Jace finding the orange egg. Ember knew exactly what to do in the egg hunt too - they are just so smart! :)
